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Showing posts with label personal training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal training. Show all posts

What do you fear? Is fear of failure holding you back?

What do you fear? Is fear of failure holding you back?

How many times have you heard someone say "I wish I was not so fat" or "I wish I could lose weight!"

I lost count of how many times you've seen overweight people speak solve their weight, than deciding to do nothing! Why? Because they are afraid of failure! Try something as profound as changing your lifestyle scares the hell out of them, because they are terrified of everyone else to do and see that failure. Well, you know what? They are already failing!

They fail to live up to their potential, not make positive changes in their lives and, not registering a healthy lifestyle and how long it might be.

Imagine the choice to let their grandchildren grow up without experiencing the joy of playing physical with their grandparents. Imagine seeing your children and / or grandchildren are marrying his hospital bed because you are too ill to attend the ceremony. I do not know how it would feel, but I would be devastated, especially if I'm here because I chose to do nothing for my health and fitness. How would you feel?

The simple truth is; no one should be overweight, you do not need or merit, to be obese, have diabetes or have a high risk of atherosclerosis and stroke! You can choose to change your lifestyle to extend your life and stay fit and healthy in old age, but it is also necessary to address their fears and not allow yourself to become paralyzed by fear.

Making the decision to be fit and healthy; then do something about it! Seek professional help, talk to a personal trainer, natural therapist, your GAP or all of them. Nothing worthwhile is ever easy to make and healthier really worth.

Understand that when you say "can not" do something, you are saying: "I ​​have not chosen to do so because failure terrifies me" We also need to understand that fear is. Natural and can be overcome with the right support. Instead of saying "I can not", say "It's scary and I do not know if I have what it takes to succeed." If you need help to get there, your personal trainer will be there for you. Seek help and be willing to accept.

Also, I often hear people say "but staff training is so expensive, I can not afford it.". It is true that there is a cost to the quality of personal training, but they are professionals in their chosen field and, like everyone else, have the right to earn a living in the exercise of its powers. Think about it; How now happening every week on takeaways, soft drinks, alcohol and cigarettes? If you cut or reduced in these subjects, how much money would be available? Is really expensive personal training, or choose to find an excuse not to deal with his health problems?

I challenge you to change your life! Making the decision to be active, fit and healthy as their children grow! Become a model for their children and grandchildren will have when they reach adulthood and are faced with all the temptations of our consumer-driven world. Be the change you want to reach!