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Showing posts with label need. Show all posts
Showing posts with label need. Show all posts

beginner Building program

here are many training program and  there is no "miracle" program. However, there are programs that work and others that do not work. What differentiates them fundamentally?
Will be presented here 5 simple and essential notions where your program should be based

1 It should be logical
This is the first concept, and the most essential. But what does it really mean? The notion of logical consistency requires an argument. Specifically, it is his agenda in line with its objectives. Therefore they must be defined before establishing your program. Once they known, the selection of exercises, methods, plans contraction, number of exercises, sets, repetitions - the training parameters in short - can be done effectively.
For example, if you prepare for boxing, our program better be composed of exercises force development push (tap).
However, no program three times a week squat if our goal is to place figures of gym rings.
But this train is about choices, and this leads to the second concept.

2 It should be applicable
Indeed for the program to be effective, it must be applicable and therefore individualized. It must therefore be consistent with:
Our starting level (or our mastery of certain movements)
The time available
The material available
For example, if you have only three times 1:30 into your week, no need to program a fourth session "when you have time." Stay with a coherent program spread over three days a week.

3 It should be gradual
Indeed, the effectiveness of a program is measured in achieving objectives. If you lift 70 kg maximum squat and your goal is 100kg, you can imagine that you will not be spending overnight. We'll have to move up to that load.

Progressivity through two concepts:

Room for improvement: do not start "block." At least the first week of your program should be below your abilities. The more strong starts, the faster the wall you hit stagnation.
For example, in the case of a bodybuilding program, I recommend to calculate their expenses for the first week of the program 90% of 1RM. Remember that exercising is a marathon, which takes time before you see any noticeable effects. Now, it never starts a marathon by sprinting.

Evaluation criteria: it must indeed choose which parameter we seek to change and stick to it. Do change one parameter at a time: load, number of sets, complexity
movement, speed, number of repetitions ... The choice is wide and would require an article (see a book) all by himself to be detailed.
For example, if you decide to move to the squat, it will be advantageous to add a repetition of each series of one week to another, or to increase slightly (2-5%) load.
If one wants to measure its progress in cardio work, the percentage of VMA, speed and / or time to which running (or rowing, swimming, pedal ...) are flags that indicate our progress.

If a program must be progressive, that is because again it takes time to benefit. This leads to the concept of time.

4 It should last over time
Needless to practice a program a week and then switch to another, and then modify an exercise, change the order of them, swap sessions etc ... constantly. Wins are in time.
As long as a year progresses: it is that it works. As long as it works it does not change. If all the exercises eventually stagnate, then it's time to make some adjustments to boost growth.
Olivier Bolliet in his book "Modern approach to strength" illustrates this with the "theory of lemon juice" (you can find the article on his blog).
Or for that program is in addition to the concepts of logic, applicability and escalation, it should be fun: Another often overlooked aspect and how important.

5 It should be fun
Psychological comfort is important. If you do not want to go you train you do not will progress. If you are reluctant movement: do not do it! If you love are exercising outdoors and it's summer: organize your training plan accordingly.
Even high-level psychological comfort of the athletes, the variability of tools and methods is in order to avoid monotony, maintain motivation and therefore results and performance.
We need your program gives you WANT to go train yourself.