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Showing posts with label NUTRITION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NUTRITION. Show all posts

An Overview of the B5 Vitamin

The B5 vitamin is also known as Pantothenic Acid. The B5 vitamin is the most prolific of all the vitamins and is found in every type of food. In fact, it is impossible for a person to consume less B5 vitamin than they need. That means that there is no little possibility that a person can have a B5 vitamin deficiency. For this reason, there is actually no recommended daily amount that health professionals can state as everyone obtains more than enough from their normal food consumption. However, even though there is no need to calculate a recommended daily allowance it does not mean that the B5 vitamin is not vital for a healthy body and mind. In fact, the B5 vitamin is essential for turning food into energy amongst other functions. The B5 vitamin is responsible for taking the fats and carbohydrates into energy.

Some B5 vitamin can be found in almost every food whether it is animal or vegetable. Obviously there are some sources of the B5 vitamin that are better than others but a balanced diet will provide more than enough. The foods with the highest B5 vitamin content are organ meats, salmon, eggs, beans, milk, and whole grains. It is worth noting that the B5 vitamin is lost when grains are milled into flour and tends not to beaded back in. Therefore, processed grain foods such as bread, pasta, rice, breakfast cereal, and baked goods are not good sources of the B5 vitamin.

The B5 vitamin is the most effective when it is combined with other B vitamins especially thiamin or B1, riboflavin or B2, niacin or B3, pyridoxine or B6, and biotin. Along with these other B vitamins, the B5 vitamin is an integral part in a number of processes. The most important of these is the production of energy from food that is consumed and this is known as the Kreb’s cycle. The B5 vitamin is also required for releasing energy from fats.

Interestingly, the B5 vitamin is also considered to be helpful in reducing stress. This is chiefly due to the fact that during periods of stress, the body produces more of certain hormones such as adrenalin and these require the B5 vitamin. There are many theories as to the benefits of the B5 vitamin but there is no need for the majority of people to actively seek out foods that are high in B5 as they are likely to be consuming far more than is needed already. There are no adverse effects to consuming too much B5 vitamin.

The Importance of the 12 B vitamin

The 12 b vitamin is one of the b vitamins that are essential to maintain a healthy body. Otherwise known as Cobalamin, the 12b vitamin is needed for the processes to convert the carbohydrates, fats and proteins from food into energy. 12 b also, more importantly, helps keep the red blood cells healthy and therefore prevent heart disease as well as keeping the immune system functioning at its maximum level. In addition, 12 b is used to create the protective covering of all nerve cells in the body.

The most important function of 12 b is to form healthy red blood cells. However, all cells need 12 b to keep them healthy. It is the white blood cells, amongst others, that need 12 b to help ensure that the immune system functioning properly. All of the nerve cells in the body also need 12 b to form their protective fatty layer. This is essential for all of the nerves but is especially so for those in the brain. If there is not sufficient 12 b to create this protective layer then the brain will not be functioning properly.

Interestingly, the amount of 12 b that the body needs is relatively small but is needed on a regular basis. However, 12 b on its own is not enough as the body cannot absorb it easily. To help the body absorb 12 b the stomach produces intrinsic factor which enables more of the 12 b to be absorbed. 12 b is only found in animal foods such as liver, eggs, fish and meat but most people consume far more than their recommended daily amount of 12 b. This is not a problem as the body can only absorb about half of the 12 b that is consumed. It is also worth noting that the body can recycle the 12 b which cuts down on the impact of a 12 b deficiency. However, strict vegetarians or vegans are likely to require 12 b supplements if they do not eat any animal products that contain 12 b.

If the body does not have enough 12 b then anaemia is the most obvious symptom. Obviously, this is due to the fact that there is not enough 12 b to make healthy red blood cells. Anaemia can also be caused by the body not creating enough intrinsic factor to help absorb the 12 b that is available in the food consumed. The body tends to makes less intrinsic factor once a person reaches 50 and this will lead to less 12 b being absorbed and supplements of 12 b may be required. Kids are also at risk from anaemia because they may not eat the food that contain 12 b. Pregnant women need more 12 b because the baby is absorbing 12 b during the pregnancy to grow properly.

Water, sports combined!

Representing nearly 70% of our body mass, water is the most essential of all nutrients element.
The body reserves are modest and the external input is vital: a state of dehydration can lead to death in the worst case.

The role of water in the body
There are 3 major roles:
Plastic: as the main constituent of cells and tissues. Without water no cells, therefore no life.
Function: transport of nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and trace elements), waste disposal, electrolytic.
Several elements of our body are in the liquid state (blood, plasma, lymph ...), and this state is the water which is the main constituent.
Heat as an element to cool the body (sweating). Water helps regulate our body temperature as you probably know must be maintained at about 37.5 °.
Note that unlike for producing heat the body uses muscle (tremor), as we shall see a little further.
Losses and water intake
As you know we are all different, and this also applies to our body composition. The age, sex, and especially the body composition (variable amounts between fat and muscle) varies the amount of water. Indeed, the muscle is made ​​up of 70% water while body fat contains only 23%. This explains the difference between template 2 people the same weight more muscular you are, the more one is somehow dense, so with a smaller volume of the body.

These data are, losses and contributions will vary depending on the individual but of water per day is lost in general from 1.7 to 2.4 liters (urine, feces, respiration, transpiration). Losses that must be filled in order to maintain the body's water balance, otherwise dehydration. Two elements to this: food (a daily diet of 2500 kcal per day brings 1-1.5 L of water anyway), the rest should come from beverages: 1-1.5 L, to make up losses. Do not drink too much during meals to avoid overloading the stomach. Prefer intake beverage outside thereof.

Water is the only essential Beverage all other, either fruit juices, alcohol or soda do that to include calories as sugars (4 kcal / gram) and alcohol (7kcal/gramme) , but also vitamins and minerals.
The surplus water is eliminated through urine, and essential for allowing the removal of nitrogenous waste (following ingestion of protein) by the kidneys. So we eat more protein (in reasonable limits of course, with a maximum of 1.6 g per kg of body weight beyond which there is no benefit for muscle development), plus you'll have s hydrate.

In the case of a high-carbohydrate diet, to an increase in glycogen (carbohydrate famous bounce), remember that a gram of glycogen is associated with 2.7 grams of water, of Hence the importance of hydration and consequent adapted to succeed in this storage.

During exercise, water loss must be filled in as and effort (and even avoided with abundant moisture before the meeting) to avoid dehydration and its adverse effects: decreased mental and physical performance , cramps, vomiting and life threatening.
The famous weighed before and after exercise, often with a negative difference of pounds, in fact just allows to see the amount of water lost by the body. More this difference is large, and the athlete is poorly hydrated ... to meditate!

The best way to stay hydrated during exercise
Guarantor of physical endurance performance as strength, good hydration allows higher performance (and especially avoid falling).
Just as often adheres to a feed around his training protocol, you must have a particular approach to hydration.
The capacity of the body to absorb drinks are limited, we must plan ahead and drink regularly every 15-20 minutes sips of water to start the session in the best state of hydration can: better than cure.

For sports drinks (purchased or homemade), you must monitor the content of sugars and minerals. Isotonic beverages (containing a concentration equal to that of the body) are as to their optimum speeds assimilation. Too many carbs, or not enough, and it loses in rapidity (pure water absorption leads to less than an isotonic drink under certain conditions during exercise).

Keep it simple
To summarize, drinking is essential for life, good for performance, body and spirit (oops, I digress it feels like a pub with babies swimming ...).
Seriously hydration is a key component of athletic performance, follow the tips outlined, the main: drink regularly in small quantities, and left to choose and given its price, choose water.